Thursday, December 2, 2010

Check out this video about my project!

Artist, S. Paul, created a video about my Fulbright-Nehru project in India, Portraits for People.

Below is his documentary, Different Passage 2.


Anonymous said...

Great video Margaret--so wonderful to learn about your project. It's eye-opening to see the people's reaction of happiness to their own portraits. Something we, as Westerners, so take for granted. Thanks for sharing! Look forward to seeing you soon! Beth Herbert

伊丽莎白 (elizabeth) said...

Margaret- Such an eye-opening project! I am currently applying to be a Fulbright Scholar in Indonesia--Thanks for sharing!!

伊丽莎白 (elizabeth) said...

Margaret -
I am currently applying to be a Fulbright Scholar to Indonesia, and found your project to be very eye-opening and inspiring!
Thanks for sharing!