Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A few Tiruvannamali pics... since we have Nan's lovely Internet connection...

Arunchala Mountain and 'Big' Temple Entrance

Downtown Tiruvannamali

Note: Comments on the Picasa album are from Nan.

Click here for some pics from the House Beautiful (not really) photo shoot at Nan's house last night.


Maggie said...

I love you but you are perhaps the worst blogger in the known universe. WHO IS NAN? WHY WERE YOU AT HER HOUSE? I would ask WHY ARE THERE SO MANY PICTURES OF DOGS, but I know the answer.

Steve Ford said...

Those are WONDERFUL picture! I love the little guy next to the ... cow? Goat? And the temple is amazing.

And pay no mind to the peanut gallery. I like the dog pics!


Fred said...

Hello. I miss you but I'm glad you both seem to be having fun. I would tend to endorse much of Maggie's above conclusions, but doing so might seem unhelpful. So I remain encouragingly neutral.

Betsy said...

And where are the pictures of you?

Anonymous said...

Happy mothers day mom,have a nice day
from stan
Hey mothere happy mothers day! Hope your having a great time...

Bill said...

Thanks for posting all the pictures. I saw all three albums. Really nice to see these. Keep up the good work.


Marg Frank said...

Worst-ever blogger here.

Just for the record: Nan is friend-of-friend who we now consder our pal. She's American, living in India for >10 years. She recently moved into this beautiful home and wanted pics for the folks back home.

Captions/comments on the Picasa photos are from her, too.

Fred said...

Happy Birthday! I'm not entirely sure how to call you, but we're all thinking about you. We love you a ton big (old) sister.