Saturday, May 1, 2010

Paul Moore is my hero!

As you already know (thanks, Steve) we are in Tiruvannamali (plus various other spellings).  Our amazing guide/driver/translator/planner/facilitator/all-around-amazing-guy, Karuna, set us up in the loveliest rooms, view of The Mountain (incarnation of Shiva), kitchen, AC.  Plus, it's clean, pretty, safe and not too far from shopping and the Sri Ramana Ashram.  We are thorough enjoying ourselves.

Not only is our place great, but Karuna, the extraordinary, picked us up in Chennai and drove us here (>3 hrs), advises us on food and shopping and, best of all, has taken us to four villages for photos.  (More on that in another post as I am very tight on time.)

This is a great vacation spot for folks who don't want to do much of anything, like us.  As C reported, embroidery and AC are making us very happy.  To push us over to euphoria, this town also has cheese!  We are living it up big time.

There are, of course, difficulties, but lets leave them to another conversation.

When time permits, I will write about the villages, walking around The Mountain, the Kolkata workshop last week.  At least I plan to.

So why is Paul my hero?  Who do you think got us here, introduced us to Karuna, made all this possible?  You guessed.  Thanks very much, Paul.  I owe you.

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